Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 11, 2011: Instrument Deployments

Today the groups deployed more instruments to measure the water flow around the island.  We also picked up some water pressure sensors around the islands that have been deployed for the past year.  These measure the water level at several locations around the islands.  I stayed back at the lab and worked on getting instruments up and running and fixing broken things.  We have been getting quite a bit of rain over the last couple of days.  It only rains for short periods of time, but the drops are huge and there are a lot of them.  It actually hurts to walk around in the rain, since the raindrops are so big.  It is very nice to be able to still work in just shorts and not have to worry about getting wet. 
As everyone knows there was a tsunami today.  We were lucky enough to only feel a 6 inch change in the water level here. 

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